Annual Meeting:

a) After the election is over and all disputes relating to the publication of election result are settled, the Principal may convene a meeting to welcome the newly elected office- bearers.

b) The College Union may organize an inaugural function after it is constituted and an Annual Function by the end of February of the session Provided the Executive Body of the College Union passes resolutions to organize such functions and the Principal agrees to it. The Principal reserves the right to grant special permission for holding of such meetings in view of the prevailing situations Eminent guests may be invited for holding such functions with the approval of the principal on verbal consent of the guests, the official letters of invitation to the contacted guests shall be issued by the principal through any of the college staff or through any member of the union Advisory Body to be handed over to the concerned guests and the president/ secretary of the union are to accompany. Such letters of invitation may also be sent by post. The expenditure of such journey by the staff shall be incurred from the "Union Fund" Head.

c) There shall be another meeting (Annual) of the Union towards the close of each session or on such a date as the principal may appoint for passing the Annual Report and statement of expenditure made and placed by the Secretary. The president of the college union or the Vice- President of the college union in the absence of President shall preside over in the function.


a) All meeting other than those mentioned in clause 15 and 17 shall be deemed as ordinary meeting which will be usually presided over by the president.

b) Such ordinary meeting for the Union shall be arranged by the Secretary in consultation with the president and Adviser and permission from the principal.

c) At least three days' notice shall be given for every ordinary meeting with date place and subject of the meeting.


a)An extraordinarily meeting of the Union may be convened:-

i) At the discretion of the principal.

ii) At request of the president.

iii) On a written requisition addressed to the Principal and signed by not fewer

that 1/10 of the members of the +3 stream students Union .

b)The Principal or his nominee shall preside over ever extra ordinary meeting.


The Secretary may, with the permission of the Principal invite a person or persons who are not members of the college to take part in debates and other meetings. In a debate such person or persons will speak after the motion has been duly passed.


a) In the absence of both the President and the Vice-President from an ordinary meeting, the members present shall elect a chairman from among themselves, the adviser or the associate adviser taking the chair until the election is over. The Chairman shall assume all the rights and discharge all the duties of the President during the meeting.

b) At the commencement of each ordinary meeting, the Secretary shall read the minutes of the last ordinary meeting and other meeting of the union, if any. The minutes on being approved by the members present shall be signed by the President.

c) Amendments to the motion, if any shall be submitted in writing to the Secretary, at the beginning of the meeting. No amendment which affects directly or negates the original motion will be in order. An amendment shall be discussed only after the first two speakers have spoken.

d) Every speech shall be relevant to the subject if debate or the amendment proposed. No personal reflection shall be made in course of the meeting.

e) No member other than the mover of the motion shall speak more than once and also for more than five minutes. At the conclusion of the debate the mover may at his option reply to the debate.

f) The time limit can be lengthened or the discipline and decorum of every meeting of the Executive Body must be maintained.


a) At the conclusion of the debate, as soon as the mover of the original motion has exercised or formally waived his right to reply, the amendment is lost, the original motion shall then be put to vote. If the motion is carried then it shall be put to vote.

b) All questions in the debate shall be determined by a majority of members present and voting.

c) If the vote are equally divided the president shall decide the question by casting his vote.


a) The president is to maintain discipline. If things go beyond the control of the president, he may postpone the meeting. A report of such postponement is to be submitted to the principal by the president.

b) In any case the Adviser or Associate Adviser shall give a ruling regarding the procedure of implementing the principles already laid down and his ruling shall be final.


a) Amendment to any of these rules shall be considered by the Principal with the approval of the staff council.

b) Amendment to any of the provisions of the constitution may be brought by any member of the Union .